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Exiting Validators

There are two ways in which Vouch valdiators are exited from the Pulsechain Network:

Voluntarily Exited (Ejected) Automatically

This is a feature of the Vouch Protocol, which monitors each of the Solo or Trusted Valdiators, and will request an Ejection of a Validator as required. This may be due to vPLS unstaking demand or to expel a misbehaving validator. Each Validaor runs an Ejector client which facilitates this process.

Voluntarily Exited Manually

Voluntarily exiting your validator from the Pulsechain network is a one time command for your chosen Validator Client. and is exactly the same process in the Vouch Protocol as if you were running a "normal" Validator on the Pulsechain network (because you are).

You'll follow these steps to exit your validator:

  • Ensure that you have access to a fully synced beacon node.
  • Issue the validator exit command to your validator client and allow the beacon node to access to your validator keys through the --wallet-dir flag or web3signer and the --beacon-rpc-provider flag (examples provided below).
  • Select the account(s) that should be exited. This step can be skipped by specifying the account(s) via the --public-keys flag when issuing the validator exit command.
  • Confirm your understanding of the consequences of exiting your validator by typing Exit my validator when prompted.

For more details please follow the official documents for your Validator client of choice:

Prysm Exit Documentation.

Lighthouse Exit Documentation.