Relay Client
is an off-chain relay service responsible for interacting with Vouch LSD contracts, synchronising blocks and events, handling tasks related to validators and balances, and other off-chain operations.
For more inforamtion on the Relayer role refer to the Relay component documentation.
Relay Client Preperation
There are some configuration items and services which need to be set to run the Relay Client. We will pass these details to the client at startup via a config.toml file. Below are examples of the settings which will need to be passed to the client at startup.
Configuration Items
The config.toml
file will require some operatror specific settings per Relay client:
- public address - You will need to enter a Voter account. This is a public address which will be used for voting, as such you will need to export a Private Key which will get imported to the relay client on first run.
- Pinata API key - The client also saves data to IPFS, you will need to create a pinata account for this purpose and gernate and API key.
Have these ready so you can configure the relay client with these unique settings.
However before running the client you need to choose which way you would like to install and run the client, there are two ways:
- Run Using Docker - this is the recomended way as it simplifies the installation process.
- Run Using Native Go App - if you would prefer you can install and run the Go application Relay client.
Relay Settings
config | description | example value (recommended) |
account | voter account addressMake sure you imported it before using | 0xYOUR_ACCOUNT |
trustNodeDepositAmount | the trust node validator initial deposit amount taken from PLS pool | 1000000 |
eth2EffectiveBalance | the effective balance of a validator | 32000000 |
maxPartialWithdrawalAmount | The threshold used to differentiate between rewards and exit balance. If the amount received from Beacon chain is less than this value, it is treated as rewards; otherwise, it is considered as exit balance. | 8000000 |
gasLimit | Total gas allowance for transaction, relay will batch larger requests | 3000000 |
maxGasPrice | Gas Price, note Pulsechain gas is volatile so allow ample for peak periods, relay will hold off sending if network gas requriement is over this limit | 10000000 (in Gwei) |
GasPriceMultiplier | Increase Gas by Factor of, overcomes gas spikes | 2.5 |
batchRequestBlocksNumber | a number which limits concurrent requests on Beacon chain, due to the design of Beacon chain RPC | 16 (32 Max) |
runForEntrustedLsdNetwork | set this config to true only if you are one of the entrusted voters who are responsible to relay data for entrusted LSD networks | false |
Pinata Settings
config | description | example value (recommended) |
apikey | apikey of your pinata account | YOUR_API_KEY |
pinDays | how many days the data retained on IPFS | 180 |
Contracts Settings
config | description | example value (recommended) |
lsdTokenAddress | lsd token address | see config.toml below |
lsdFactoryAddress | lsd factory address | see config.toml below |
Endpoints Settings
Groups of eth1 and eth2 endpoints. It will be used only if previous ones are not available.
config | description | example value |
eth1 | Execution RPC endpoint | |
eth2 | Consensus (Beacon chain) RPC endpoint | |
Example config-toml file
Edit your config.toml
using your editor of choice, refer to the example config.toml
# Example for Voter Account
account = "0x0E3266DEB55b386CD608C64627155E33Df4657De"
trustNodeDepositAmount = 1000000 # PLS
eth2EffectiveBalance = 32000000 # PLS
maxPartialWithdrawalAmount = 8000000 # PLS
gasLimit = "3000000"
maxGasPrice = "20000000" #Gwei
GasPriceMultiplier = 2.5
batchRequestBlocksNumber = 16
runForEntrustedLsdNetwork = false
# Example apikey only - register for a Free Pinata account and create your own API Key
apikey = "YOUR_API_KEY"
pinDays = 180
lsdTokenAddress = "0x79BB3A0Ee435f957ce4f54eE8c3CFADc7278da0C"
lsdFactoryAddress = "0x4bf4df49f8bc72a4e484443a14b827cb8c47c716"
eth1 = ""
eth2 = ""
Run Using Docker
The below command will:
- Install Docker (if not already installed)
- Configure relay directory and config.toml file
- Import Relay account private keys
- Enable automatic OS and relay updates (optional)
- Start the Relay docker container the first time
Note: this command needs to be run as root.
curl -sL >; sudo bash
Starting The Relay Client
This assumes you are using the default container name of "relay" if you have changed this to anything else during the install process you will need to modify the commands below to suit.
- Runs docker container in interactive mode and prompts for password at startup
- Use Ctrl+P followed by Ctrl+Q to detach from docker container and leave it running
Clean up any running containers
sudo docker stop relay
sudo docker rm relay
Run relay with prompt for password
sudo docker run --pull always --name relay -it -e KEYSTORE_PASSWORD --restart unless-stopped -v "/blockchain/relay":/keys start --base-path /keys
Run Using Native Go App
Step 1. Install Build Tools
On your chosen server/node make sure you have the following tools installed, you will need these to continue.
Install make
, gcc
and git
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y make gcc git build-essential
Step 2. Install Go
Here we will install Go and set the environment variables:
- Existing Go version binary will be removed
- Go will be installed in /usr/local/go
- the downloaded zipped file will be deleted
- File Path locations will be added to .bashrc
cd $HOME
wget -O go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz && rm go1.21.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo 'export GOROOT=/usr/local/go' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export GOPATH=$HOME/go' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export GO111MODULE=on' >> $HOME/.bashrc
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin' >> $HOME/.bashrc && . $HOME/.bashrc
go version
Confirm that the command prints the installed version of Go.
If you have issues with the above you can always install go
by following the official docs. Remember to set your $PATH
environment variable, see above example.
Step 3. Install Vouch Relay Service
💡 Do not run make install as sudo
git clone
cd pls-lsd-relay
make install
Step 4. Create Working Directory
Create your chosen working directory if required, then copy the config.toml template from the install directory to the working directory.
sudo mkdir -p /blockchain/relay
sudo cp conf.template.toml /blockchain/relay/config.toml
Import Relay Account Keys (private keys)
Let's import your voter account so that it can be used by relay service. Note you will need to have a Private Key that matches the Public Address you have configured in your config.toml
file. You will also set the password for this private key, each time the relay is re-started the password will be required.
Start Command
pls-lsd-relay import-account --base-path /blockchain/relay
Respond with the required information when prompted:
> Enter private key:
#enter your exported Private Key
> password for key:
#enter a password
Make sure you fund the imported account with some PLS (or tPLS) so the relay has funds to pay gas fees when submitting votes on chain.
Start the Relay Client
⚠️ You will need your account password (the password you used when importing your account), as we will be passing this to the client at startup when prompted.
sudo pls-lsd-relay start --base-path /blockchain/relay/ --log-level info
Respond with the required information when prompted:
> password for key:
#enter password created in above step
That is it, just make sure the Relay client runs at all times!
Additional Notes
Running using Tmux
It is preferred to run your Relay client using something like systemd
or Screen
which will give you more control and flexibilty when running the client. You can use TMUX
by doing the following:
💡 If you are unfamiliar with Running TMUX
you should learn how to navigate it first before running the below commands. This TMUX guide might help.
sudo apt install tmux
tmux new-session -s relay
Then Issue the above Start Command
in the TMUX terminal using the instructions in the preceeding section.
Updating the Go Relay Client
Get the latest Client
Update the client files by navigating to the orginal install directory and pulling the latest Relay client from the github repository.
cd $HOME/pls-lsd-relay # assumes home dir was root of install
git pull
Re-run the installation process as outlined above.
💡 Do not run make install as sudo
cd $HOME/pls-lsd-relay
make install
Re-start the client
sudo pls-lsd-relay start --base-path /blockchain/relay/ --log-level info
Respond with the required information when prompted:
> password for key:
#enter password created in above step
That is it, just make sure the Relay client runs at all times!